Recently Saqib Ali reminded me of a couple interviews I did back in 2010 for a class on social media and branding, and he so kindly reposted them. I watched with great trepidation, preparing myself to cringe but was pleasantly surprised at my coherence.
In 2009 I had participated in a class in social media and branding at Stanford, and was invited to speak at the new class the following year. I was struggling to define myself in the post-crash world and in a new world called California (oh so different than New York or Durham, North Carolina). The thinking and exercises I did on social media and brand as a part of that class were incredibly helpful.
It was helpful to remind myself of what I said then as it is still relevant and possibly even more important today: think about your value-add, what you bring to the marketplace, understand your “feature-set”, as well as think about an aspirational future and what you bring to that future — do you have the skillsets to support that future?
Watch and enjoy — would love to hear your comments on is it still relevant? What makes sense or doesn’t?
Rani, I really enjoyed your presentation that night in the Branding class. It clarified branding to me more than any other presentation I had seen or article or book I had read. Still relevant today for sure.
If you haven’t posted the process you followed in developing that pitch you should. If you have, please send the link. Your presentation was so compelling and clear.
I think it is more so relevant than ever. Not only you need to create a brand on the wild wild Internet, but now with all the Social Apps in use in an enterprise, you need to work on your brand inside of an enterprise too.
You can use simple thing likes enterprise microblogging to create a brand for yourself – your personal equity.
Lane and Saqib – thank you both for your comments. I agree – it’s interview is still relevant — and even more so now that I’m in a large organization. It’s actually refreshing to meet an older version of yourself.