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A new era – organizational development

The last few months inside a large, national financial services firm has been…enlightening. Working in a complex, matrixed organization, on projects across a series of national cross-functional teams has been a wild ride for me. The whole notion of intact teams doesn’t really exist in my world. Your role and value is negotiated on each engagement. The organization maintains flexibility but it’s challenging to feel like you belong when the people you work with are thousands of miles away (virtual teaming) and each engagement is a different dynamic and role.

At the same time I started a year-long workshop on the disciplines of Organizational Development, or OD. This has saved my life as it helps me understand the human / organizational systems in my workplace.

I’m restarting this blog to explore this brave new world. And take myself (and maybe you too) for another wild ride. And most of all, I need to start writing again.

Posted in OD.

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4 Responses

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  1. Mike says

    Welcome back! I need to get back to my sickly blog and start paying it more attention, also. (Are you using a Kindle? I’m seeing lots of #Kindle hashtags in the sidebar. How are you liking it?)

  2. Rani H. Gill says

    Hey Mike – Yes I’m using my Kindle primarily for reading newspapers! Did not expect that but am loving it. Yes, write, write, write. Give your blog it’s life back.

  3. Saqib Ali says

    so how r u making sure that you get in trouble at the new job???? i need some tips 🙂

  4. Rani H. Gill says

    Saqib – Getting in trouble is easy — getting in the right kind of trouble is little harder. What is your intention? For me – I reach out and just start talking to folks and interesting things come my way. I keep asking questions – and that can drive people nuts. I find that if you want to find a better way fo doing things — it creates trouble. Fascinating. Now you got me thinking – what’s the next trouble?

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