At the halfway point I thought it was a good read. Being an innovative company requires changing the way we work – can most companies do that? Letting go of authority and creative, “hot”, teams is essential. The descriptions of the work environment and culture at IDEO had me thinking about where I wanted to work next. If you want to imagine a place that is hardworking and respects creativity — read this book.
After finishing the book I think the best parts are in the first half — descriptions of how to do brainstorming and how to create hot teams. A good read for those 2 sections.
A couple insightful quotes:
- “too much square footage, like too large a budget can dissipate energy and discourage more immediate emotional connection.” (p.82)
- “success at innovation is like putting together the perfect golf swing” – there are 17 things to get right, each one simple on its own, but it’s complex to put together in real time.(p.293)
Overall I enjoyed reading this book, though I found many of the stories repetitive — as if they were cobbled together from many different essays and presentations. It needed a good edit.
Brainstorming Rules:
- Sharpen the Focus – ask edgy, tangible questions that focus on the customer need
- Playful Rules – don’t critique or debate ideas, go for quantity, encourage wild ideas, be visual
- Number Your Ideas – help to set a goal for quantity (i.e., go for 100)
- Build and Jump – keep the energy up, jump back to an earlier path, encourage small variation
- The Space Remembers – power of spatial memory, process of capturing ideas (facilitator whiteboard), physical movement around the space
- Stretch Mental Models – warm-ups, content-related homework (background lecture, toy stores)
- Get Physical – sketching, mind mapping, diagrams, stick figures, bring in objects, build things, bodystorming
Hot Groups: groups at IDEO are often ad-hoc, often come together on a project-basis and availability. Below are listed types of characters that can be key to “hot” teams.
- Visionary
- Troubleshooter – doesn’t suffer fools gladly, fix-it person
- Iconoclast – contrarian
- Pulse-Taker – heart person, making a personal connections
- Craftsman
- Technologist – a maven
- Entrepreneur – often goes off and creates sub-teams or companies
- Cross-Dresser – self-educated, self-motivated, enthusiastic
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