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Definition 2: tech + education + business

What do I do? I speak, manage, and design in three languages — technology, education and business.

This is as close as it gets to who I am: a translator between worlds. An explainer – someone who learns and understands quickly and can communicate to others. A designer — someone who cares passionately about the quality of the writing , the image, the narrative, the experience, the learning.

I prefer to make things beautiful, functional, and understood. And I’m flexible and versatile. Time to change my tag line once again — make it simple, make it easily understood.

Rani H. Gill – speak, manage, and design in three languages — technology, education and business.

A note on education vs. learning:

  • education – the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. (
  • learning – the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill. (

Education is wider in scope and possibility. I want to help learners perform better, but I also want them to understand what they are doing — to approach any situation with an educated perspective. Thus technology + education + business.

Posted in learning profession.

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